
Program AM

It All Starts With Love

1. Opening statement about Love

Different activities that depends on the group or groups

1. Love

1. Wood and Nail exercise opening your heart

2. Creative writing/Visualization and opening of the heart

3. Open heart letter (The me child and grown inner me)

4. Letting go with flow

5. Learning to Hug

6. Animal representation (The I)

7. The gift Belief and the gift of healing is the miraculous ability to

use the healing power to restore a person who is sick, injured, or

suffering by sharing through Love

8. The gift of faith, being able to trust and encourage others to

trust, no matter the circumstances.

Wrap up the love in the I in me.- forgiveness - healing closure

2. Time

1. What am I here on Earth for?

2. Fear my time vs Faith and Belief (non religious)

3. Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for (activity)

2. Activity of What, when , how, where why?

3. Am I spiritual? Do I have a gift? Sharing time

4. CHIT- CHAT activity

5. Illumination of my path

6.. The gift of life, the gift of wisdom having the ability to make

decisions and give guidance. The gift of knowledge is the ability to

have an in-depth understanding of a spiritual issue or situation.

Wrap up: There is knowledge given which takes our understanding away as

where we are in life. The foundation stones towards faith creating a

moment in time: Harmony between love, happiness, hope, peace, good,

humbleness and temperance.

3. Death and Renewal

1. Be Charming and Smile: Remember your inner child wants to have fun (activity)

2. Be Wise in Witness: take advantage of every opportunity to talk! Use and pitch let it be as

effective as possible You can make a difference!

3. People will never forget how you made them feel (activity)

4. You gotta believe that you received even before you get it.(activity)

5.. Timing my Testimony: when things become hard it is because yo will meet the next person

who is going to go through your situation. You have leaped to the next stage!(sharing moment)

6. A legend is one who relentlessly seizes every opportunity to make a difference!(Hero in me


7.Don’t ever doubt yourself and think that you are weak because there’s just one of you. Seize

every opportunity!

8. My official testimony: Pay it forward, share your goal…your achievement make it count.

9. The gift of miracles is being able to perform signs and wonders that give authenticity to the

message.The gift of prophecy is being able to proclaim a message from Heaven and finally but

not least the gift of help is always having the desire and ability to help others, to do whatever it

takes to get a task accomplished.

10. Making the wish and necessity list…Miracle timing

Wrap up: There can be miracles, when you believe through hope even if it

is frail, Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe,

somehow you will.

Spiritual Gifts


To be able to organize and manage people, resources and time


The ability to distinguish between the spirit of truth and spirit of error


The ability to strengthen people in their faith and motivate to keep on doing what they believe in


The ability to believe regardless of circumstances appearances or risks


The ability to understand God’s will , the heaven will see the perspective on life situations and

communicate the insight clear and simple


The ability to contribute generously to people in need


The ability to minister the healing power of the heavens to people who are physically,

emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually broken


The ability to make people welcomed and to foster preaching for what their needs are


The ability to communicate vision and motivate others to accomplish a goal


The ability to manifest compassionate, practical, cheerful love to suffering people


The ability to be used by God to perform powerful acts that glorify the heavens and

affirm a confirmation and power from above


Be able to recognize and meets needs cheerfully, practically and anonymously


The ability to explain and apply the word and train, coach


To speak in languages and pray be able to communicate deep down to God, the heavens

Pastoring/ Prophecy

Ability to foster spiritual growth in believers


Ability to preach the gospel in such a way that one feels contentment


The ability to sense and seize opportunities to start new projects and oversee the development


Presenta nuestro taller seminario

“It All starts with Love”

Alcanza lo que has estado esperando ... una inspiración para marcar la diferencia en tu vida. Permítenos guiarte con una edición especial de prueba de nuestro nuevo proyecto fundado: Este entrenamiento te invita a trabajar y vivir desde tu corazón, crecer en lo que necesitas para renovar tus inquietudes. Creemos que las circunstancias correctas te permiten unir tus sentidos y permitirán sentir y aprender. Así que ven a disfrutar dos horas de crear y renovar si quieres Impactar tu vida ….Ven Martes 19 de Noviembre 2019 @5pm

Nuestras vidas y el conocimiento que adquirimos, obtenemos la sabiduría pero déjanos ayudarte a expander ese sentido en cada cosa que hagas.La vida es un permanente aprendizaje y aprendamos.Solo tú puedes decidir cuál va a ser tu experiencia de la vida.

Arlette Marin

Lugar: Margarita’s House direction

Fecha: Martes 19 de Noviembre 2019

Hora : 5pm- 7:30pm

Costo: Gratis

Traer un cuaderno de pasta de tu color predilecto y un estero o bolígrafo Coffee break incluido

Quieres Impactar tu vida ….Ven Martes 19 de Noviembre 2019 @5pm


Si desea ayudar a nuestra fundación, ¡no dude en colaborar y donar y ayudar a otros a encontrar sus historias inspiradoras! HAZ UN SUEÑO REALIDAD

If you wish to help our foundation, please feel free to collaborate and Donate and help others find their inspiring stories!